Portrait. Studio A. Krivitsky.

Portrait. Studio A. Krivitsky.

In gratitude for the donation, I advise on composition in photography, analyze your photos, offer frame construction, advise novice photographers, answer any questions. I sell. Many thanks to the generous people who donate to my art. skrill- alexfoto@bigmir.net (I sign a commercial license). instagram /alexanderkrivitskiy/ TFP-Telegram-канал. https://t.me/TFPKievUkr ТФП только из группы https://www.facebook.com/groups/2649575241753755/ https://vk.com/akrivitskiy https://ok.ru/aleksandr.krivitsky.krivitskiy https://www.instagram.com/alexanderkrivitskiy/

Дата публикации: 26 января 2021
Просмотров: 518




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